October 2015
- gets pretty upset when he doesn't get his way
- opens all the appliances now!
- says "nez, train" and can repeat many farm animal sounds
- has been accepted to Le Petit Chaperon Rouge for January
September 2015
- started home daycare with Michelle a word, he doesn't cry when we leave him there. He only cries when we pick him up.
- walking very well, now
- cut his first molars
- can walk down stairs with assistance
- really likes his bike and not so much the stroller anymore
August 2015
- officially walking!
- saying mama, dada, chat, balle, chien
June 2015
- cruising around the house
- takes a walk down the street using a push toy
- says "la balle"
- uses a sippy cup instead of a bottle
- says "vroom" when playing with a car
- dances
- 7th tooth coming in
April 2015
- pulling up on furniture and standing to play
- 5th tooth coming in
- waves "bye bye"
- hair starting to curl
- taking baths in the big tub
- crib lowered so he doesn't fall out
March 2015
- top 2 teeth are coming in
- pulling self forward on belly
- really bouncing high and spinning around in the Jolly Jumper
- talking a lot
- eating lots of different finger foods
February 2015
- first sleep-over at Gran & Gramp's
- 2 teeth are officially IN
- clapping hands
- shaking head "no"
- eating 3 solid meals a day
- sleeping through the night
- standing with support and tapping feet
January 6, 2015
- Mom just felt Leon's first tooth. It hurt. :-)
December 20, 2014
- Leon now points at things he likes...and those things tend to be shiny right now. Thank goodness for Christmas where there are plenty of shiny things to look at!
- He raises his arms when he wants to be picked up
- He's now eaten banana, avocado and rice cereal. Peas, on the other hand, were NOT a hit...yet.
- He loves his exersaucer (or as we call it "The Office")...he knows that when he presses buttons, etc. that something happens and that HE is the one doing it
- He is very interested in our cat, Cevin. Too bad bad Cevin doesn't feel the same way
November 30, 2014
- we are officially eating "people food!" After weeks of Leon watching Mommy eat her apples with major interest, we decided to try a bit of avocado. He loved it!
- He can almost sit up with a bit of assistance
- He's started banging the table with his toys
- His hair has come in thick and still straight
- He's starting to drink 6 oz. at a time
- Belly time is becoming much better and he can even reach out for a toy in front of him
- He's started teething so Leon now wears an amber necklace to help with soothing the discomfort of it
October 7, 2014
- Leon is still working on lifting his head when on his belly...he doesn't seem to like it very much
- He's really into blowing spit bubbles lately creating a lovely mess all over his clothes. Get out the bibs!
- He's LOSING HIS HAIR! Which apparently is quite normal...we anxiously await his 'real' hair to grow in. Curly or straight??
September 24, 2014
- Leon weighed in at 14 lbs 1 oz and 66 cm long. Holy cow!
Wednesday, August 27
- Leon had his first set of shots today! He was a champ although pretty groggy and cranky for the next few days.
- Leon measures 61.5 cm long. This puts him in the 99th percentile for length. No wonder he's already wearing 3-month clothing!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
- Leon lifted his head at a 45˚ angle and stayed there for about 5 seconds
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
- Midwife appointment today. Leon now weighs 9 lbs 5 oz!! WOW!
- He's definitely becoming more of a "baby" with cries for no reason and staring at our faces for a long time
- Midwives say he looks very happy
Thursday, July 17, 2014
- bellybutton is almost healed
- Leon is smiling a LOT now
- He's staying awake for longer periods and sleeping for longer periods
- He's heavier!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
- Leon is up to 30 ounces of milk
- He's also lifting his head a bit and is very persistent when trying to do so
- He can sleep about 4 hours straight at night
- He turns to hear our voices when we come in the room
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