Friday, July 25, 2014

Leon's Delight

 Leon tends to go into this "coma" state while feeding...he throws his head back and sticks his bottom lip out, refusing anymore milk. While we patiently waited for him to come around again, Mark decided to have a bit of fun with him.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Delivery - July 1st - 2nd, 2014

 Ended up with 2 epidurals! 

 The midwife team...can't say enough amazing things about these powerful women. 

 When they put this little creature on my chest, it took me about 10 seconds to realize who and what it was. He was so, so warm! 

 Born 7 lbs 7 oz

 Proud Grandma & Grandpa Vernon

 Proud Grandma Baker

Grandpa Baker

 Auntie Kristin